The benefits of reading

Do you like reading? If your answer is “No”, you should start doing it at once. Do you wonder why? It is not a secret, because, it is a common habit of the most successful people around the world. Yes, all these lucky men and women in expensive clothes and cars read many pages a day and recommend others to follow them.

Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger

One of the most successful investors in America sold and fed hamsters, when another sold chewing gums and coke bottles to earn more than a single grocery shop salary. Sooner, they established Berkshire Hathaway and earned 20 billion dollars per year.  Being over 80 years old today, they share a common secret. It is love for reading. Buffett continues to read for more than 80% of his daytime and goes through 600-100 pages, when Munger convinces students to invest in their knowledge and keep on learning at all life stages, as one is not bound to be the most smart and diligent, but if he/she is a learning machine, he/she becomes more intelligent each day.

Bill Gates

A rich co-founder of Microsoft is known as a great American investor and magnate. He tells the audience that he has a habit to read 50 books per year. His advice is to choose only non-fiction literature, as fiction is for entertainment only, when the other kinds are for improving knowledge. To proof his love to books Gates published two of his own. Their titles are “The Road Ahead” and “Business @ Speed of Thought”. Certainly, both are non-fiction. Besides reading, successful businessman advises to meet interesting people and visit new places to broaden outlook and deepen knowledge.

Mark Zuckerberg

In 2017, Forbes ranked him as the fifth richest person in the world. Today, he is 33 years old man well known as a Facebook founder and Internet entrepreneur. He is a talented graduate of Harvard University and the love to reading is not extraneous for him. In 2015, he even organized a whole world quest and invited people to read a book every 2 weeks within the whole year. He aimed to show people how great the days with books in hands may be and let them understand how much will their writing and talking skills improve.

Read Quickly with Blinkinst

Reading even a few pages today makes us smarter tomorrow. For those people who still consider reading as a dull chore, Blinkist comes to help. It is an application for learning and reading. Its trump is that it transforms the most famous world non-fiction books into a 15-minute reading. If you are still out of time even for this, than use Blinkist audio to learn while being in transport or in the queue.

There are always ways to learn, just use them. There is no need to start with 600 pages a day as Warren Buffett does. Set up your own records each day. If you still consider reading a dull thing, then you have not found an appropriate book yet.

Keep on searching! Good luck!


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