Code of Ethics free essay example

There are various expectations that have been put on healthcare professionals and with good reason. As professionals, they have an obligation towards their patients and the facilities they work in to work as best as they can. They ought to follow the code of ethics that has been laid out for them as health care professionals. One of the obligations that they have is to act accordingly to ensure that the patient is put first before everything else.

They are supposed to provide at all cost best care required to their clients or patients and keep their information private except when the law intervenes. Also, they should obey the law completely. Another obligation that they have is to ensure that they carry out their duties in the best way possible, as regards to the knowledge and skills they possess. They should continue with activities that advance their knowledge and abilities and seek help from other when required. They should not present themselves as able to do things that they may not be able to.

Another obligation that they have is to be professional in their activities. Also they should share information when the situation warrants it. They should disclose any information that may lead to a conflict of interest or any that will affect the patient or the facility adversely to people in higher levels than them. Also, they should provide an environment where disputes can be resolved and discussed.

Another expectation that is put on healthcare professionals is that they should promote the development of more expertise among themselves and those under them. Additional research should be supported and done continuously. They should also be ready to report any misconduct or unethical issues that they may witness amongst themselves. The codes that have been spelt out for healthcare professionals should be followed strictly to provide patients with the best services possible.

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