Racial Diversity Free Essay Example

Racism is a phenomenon that provides an explanation to a certain myth in relation to race or an ethnic community thereby making it inferior and less treasured compared to others in social, cultural and economic practices.

In most schools, racism is often noted amongst students themselves; some of the notable behaviors showing this is through segregation, whereby some students are avoided by the majority since there is nothing to share in common. Verbal abuse is also an indication of racism where students sharing a common language speak in their own language without considering others who don’t speak in their language. Bullying is an act of students harassing their fellow students due to differences in race or ethnic groups. Other evidences of racism in schools include those of teachers and students, where some teachers discriminate against some students for one reason or another.

Some of the instructional strategies that can be taken to end and reduce racism include; use of technology i.e. computerized learning which allows students to learn more about racism and related web based programs. Introduction of lesson ideas in schools can assist in elimination of racism since they provide knowledge and skills about racism and cultural diversity hence covering wide learning areas. Media report on racism can guide students in understanding the effects of racism. The impact of racism in schools is that it might lead to students dropping out of schools. It can also lead to conflicts and wars among students which might result to death.

Addressing the issue of racism in schools presents putative paybacks of ethnic and racial diversity in basic and secondary education. Outcomes associated with school racial and ethnic diversity are notable; Students’ benefits,  as there is enhanced learning which results to long-term occupational and educational gains and also increases their social interaction as well as Improving their attitudes and citizenship.

In conclusion, I can recommend that global teaching about racism and cultural diversity should be initiated to enlighten everyone on the effects of racism. Focus on ethnic and racial diversity however, should not redirect attention from the realism that there are many facets to diversity in education of which ethnicity and race are only two.

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