Criminal Justice Workplace Observation Free Essay Example

The performance of different organizations rests on different factors that influence how objectives are met. In much organization, there exist behavioral climates that characterize the entity. As a result of this climate, an organization is shaped towards a given form that uniquely identifies it. With a focus on my agency, which is the department of correction where I work as a correction officer, I have noted that there exist given climates identified by the behavioral forces in action. While different elements of management are presented, each of them has a unique implication in the running of the whole department. One of the areas which influence our organization is the leadership in place.

In our department, there are several leadership levels which work together to influence how work is done. While there are different levels of leadership, I am well aware that there is a disconnect between the lower-level management and the upper-level management. This disconnect has made it possible for junior employees to have their issues addressed by the senior management. The impact is felt given that fact that decision are done from one level of management to another. Give that the middle management seems to be less organized, information flow is hindered. This influence is negative and must be worked on in order to improve the communication structures in the agency.

Apart for the leader’s issues that exist in our agency, there seems to be a culture which does not create an atmosphere where productivity is enhanced. Instead, an issue with agency’s cultures has made correction officers to display counterproductive tendencies which should discourages, commitment, accountability and innovation. For some time, I have observed that a few correction officers display less motivation to do their work well. Moreover, working as groups has been a difficult thing given that most of the goals remain unmet. As a result of what seems to be caused by negative norms, the whole agency lacks cohesiveness.

This culture while entrenched in the agency offers not benefit. With low performance in workers as well as limited attainment of goal, I am convinced that this culture is detrimental to the success of the agency. Therefore, it is needful that positive culture be cultivated in the agency. This can be done by conducting training and form of motivation as well as rewards that can promote satisfaction and commitment to work. This way, the corrections officers in the agency are likely to have positive outlooks regarding their roles and expectations in the agency.

While not very much pronounced, the agency seem to be under the influence of the law and political atmosphere surrounding it. This may not be big problems as the moment, though it may deteriorate with time. Should this happen, it is more likely that the management will feel pressurized to act out of its mandate. The correction officers are then more likely to work in consonant with the political influence rather than their principles. To avert a problem in the future, it will pay to reduce the association of the correction officers with the political figures in a manner that might compromise the discharge of their roles. The management should also be wary of figures trying to muzzle their support in issues which may make the agency partisan to issues which may erode its credibility.

While the above are some of the negative issues, it is vital to note that the agency has established ties with local communities who provide various services to the community. With emphasis on environmental conservation and the fight against drug abuse, I am well aware that the agency is drawing immense benefit. This collaboration is positive and must be enhanced to promote the attainment of goals in the agency. With increased activities between the agency and the local community, I am confident that a productive environment is more likely to be fostered. Evidently, executing this suggestion will inevitably enhance the success of the agency and that of the correction officer.

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