In psychotherapy, it is of prime importance for a therapist to be able to identify various theories of therapy that can be most compatible and those that are least compatible. This is necessary because the best integrated model is very effective in positively changing the lives of individuals with mental problems. The choice of therapeutic approaches, however, depends on factors such as the therapist’s area of confidence and the range of expertise, and the problems of clients in the therapeutic relationship. If the therapist finds that client’s problems are outside his area of confidence, it will be advisable to refer the client to another therapist. A therapist makes his or her own package by drawing from two or more therapeutic theories that are compatible.

If a therapist is interested in counseling those clients with chronic mental illnesses and who are diagnosed with psychotic disorders, he or she will use apply behavioral therapy but not existential therapy. Behavioral therapy and existential therapy are really not compatible and therefore cannot bring about an effective integrative model. A therapist interested in counseling well functioning and healthy individuals, who are undergoing mid life transition such as loss of job or divorce, will find a person-centered approach and existential therapy to be the most appropriate. Therefore, person-centered therapy and existential therapy are compatible and can be used to make an integrative model for the treatment of such clients. A therapist will feel flexible and comfortable when selecting techniques from two or more therapeutic theories. However, it will depend on who the therapist is, in terms of personality. For instance, a therapist who tends to be result oriented and structured will find himself or herself mostly applying behavioral therapy.

It has been seen that an integrative model of psychotherapy is based on borrowing techniques from compatible therapeutic approaches (Winston & Winston, 2002). An integrative model of therapy enables therapists to freely employ techniques from two or more therapeutic approaches to effectively treat their clients. The creation of an integrative model, however, depends on the therapist’s area of confidence and the range of expertise as well as the problems that the client is experiencing. It is very important that the therapist should know who he or she is in order to decide on the appropriate therapeutic approaches for alleviating particular mental problems or mid life problems such as loss of job or divorce.

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